i have not mood to day for blog :P

(¯`v´¯) отправь это тем, кого ты ценишь!
/ \

Little music with Usher

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музыка онлайн
музыка онлайн
музыка онлайн
музыка онлайн
музыка онлайн
Hello listen to music with me, and just click on the play

Dear you understand me??? kiss

That is the mood you know .. Romantic, thoughtful. Just a picture .. then she sits on the window at night, be sure to rug .. with tousled brown hair bundle in the shower ... playing that same song in which she will see herself .. Such a simple but at the same time mysterious, dreamy and gentle. And the word "soft" refers to it as .. As beloved kitty paws ... Maybe plain, and live their lives as well as all .. But who will stop the flight of thoughts, fantasies and dreams? They are simple, need a soul mate, that's how to understand, be sure to know a lot of interesting and clever! Love those who are listening with bated breath. From such people can learn a lot. I wish that he would have understood me, was just the same. From his childhood dream to have a boy's best friend ... and it's easy to explain - a different perception. Where are you? My crocodile gene?? = D Let's go back to the present. My mp is someone who just wants to be loved, to feel .... It's different, but also happiness.

ванильнвя девушка вид со спины

Hello friends!

Hello friends! How are you? I'm bad, because : i have not good day have today :(
What are you doing today? Today i visit in home my friend Dasha's ... WE have fun mood, and time go.... later I'm need to go in my home, and Dasha must to go on the walk with her friends!
Yes , i want better day, but I have not better day... I remember it day 30.07.2012 hehe
My cute soon all students need to go in school hmmm.... oh I not want it, just i think what school it good, in my school I'm see my friends ♥ :P
I like when you and people write  comments  for me on the my blog... thanks all hahaha =)
Maybe you listen to music with me :) ??? Just click on the play ♥
музыка онлайн
What new? what your plans today??? 
Sorry but i don't know about my plans... oh
Now i must to go in my bed... love , love, love
Kiss you my sweet and cute reader

it's photo old hehe, but i like it

life is hard

It's words i can say many time "life is hard"
The one thing I wanna do is go back time or at least go back to my old friends...

I miss my friends there!!I'm not sure how long we're gonna stay here...maybe ** years but I'm not good in English and if I miss 1 years of it... I'm gonna be f-ed up in exams! but I think I'm gonna have to stay and get the O level/A level exams -_-
BTW why but I keep spending more time in my room and go shopping than I do spending time with my parents..."Mood" maybe.

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes.... To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatesthazard in life is to risk nothing. The wisest man I have ever known once said to me: "Nine out of every ten people improve on acquaintance," and I have found his words true.Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in...Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience treacherous, judgment difficult. Never forget what a man says to you when he is angry. We know the truth, not only by the reason, but also by the heart

My mother once said to me, "Sasha" -- she always called me Sasha -- "Sasha, in this world you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." For years I tried smart. I recommend pleasant.

When something important is going on, silence is a lie. Beauty and wisdom are seldom found together. Every man, wherever he goes, is encompassed by a cloud of comforting convictions, which move with him like flies on a summer day.

wow Erika thanks

Omg Erika don't know Russian and still writes in Russian through a translator I for me in the status 
Look :
Erika Jackeline Rosas Venegas
 ·  · 

Little music in your and my life and we can be happy?

Little music in Your and my life and we can be happy???? Just listen Music hehe Kiss
музыка онлайн

Morning ;)

Hello Cute, How are you?  What you plans today???
Just i'm sad :| and i don't know what i doing today :P
And just my, heart break into pieces .... and i know what strange but
Maybe you look video and you be happy???
it's video make me little happy hehe....

I am in shock

I am in shock


Киря Коротаев

День рождения:
Родной город:
Семейное положение:
влюблён в Sasha Zhigun

сегодня в 16:05
привет) ты мне нравишься)
  В Вас влюблен Киря Коротаев.
День рождения: 02.10.1997

hehe he are fool or crazy???


listen to music with me

hehe listen, i like it song, maybe you like it too =) i wish you happy mood, great day, and super weekends ♥♥♥ kiss kiss kiss
музыка онлайн
just click on the play


hey !

Little about my The best friends : Dasha ,Nika , Zhenya and Polina

Hello sweet! How are you? I hope you fine ;) hehe what new??? ohh...soon we need visit in school ;| , i not want to go in school and i want to go in school hmmm i want 50% and i not want 50% and 1% i don't know , just i'm think about it kkkk....
now i write link on the my friends =)
just click on the photos hehe =)♥
Дарья Конькова
Дарья у Вас в друзьях

Polina Karasyova 
Polina у Вас в друзьях

Евгения Цветкова
Евгения у Вас в друзьях

Ника Орлова
Ника у Вас в друзьях


Yes Yes Yes i'm find girl, she write comments me about  twitter... And I'm followed her and She follow me =)

@OfficialAamanda Hello, it's you write me on the blogg??

Amanda Svediη@OfficialAamanda

@Sasha_Zhigun Yes it's me! Hey!

Hey today morning

hey hey hey sweet, wazzup? 
Today morning i wake-up 10:00 hehe
i want it -->
what you think about?????? 
hehehe i know it crazy but i like it on the 101% hehe♥
kiss kiss kiss

Listen To Music

музыка онлайн
музыка онлайн
музыка онлайн
музыка онлайн

hehe thank for comments for me, you are kind


Now i'm little bored =(
but i visit web-site http://www.cosmo.com.ua/
it help me i'll be happy =)
Listen to music and chat with my friends and read web-site, i think it can help me smile =)

Good morning :)

Today morning i wake-up 9:50am , and lie up to 10:50
now i tweeting with my friend 




When minutes become hours, when day become years.#directioner4life #swifties #ConnieFriends #Enchancer#CimFam

Hong Kong, China · http://imichellec.tumblr.com/




цветные и разноцветные

Цветные пряди: за или против?


В 2011 году цветные пряди стали настоящим хитом. Многие знаменитости и beauty-блогеры считали своим долгом примерить на себя яркий тренд. В новом сезоне цветные пряди не теряют своих позиций.


Более того, примерив на себя малиновые и нежно-розовые пряди, модницы со всего мира начали экспериментировать с синим, голубым, бирюзовым, зеленым, персиковым, желтым и фиолетовым цветами. Предлагаем тебе принять участие в нашем голосовании и поделиться своим мнением на счет необычного тренда этого года.

 Цветные пряди: ты за или против?


Прическа дня - цветные пряди

Хочешь выглядеть необычно и дерзко? Попробуй окрасить несколько прядей в яркий цвет, и ты станешь королевой вечеринки.

Розовые, голубые и персиковые пряди на волосах стали настоящим хитом этого сезона. Они будут выглядеть по-панковски только в том случае, если ты соорудишь безумную прическу, например, в виде ирокеза. На распущенных волосах яркие прядки, напротив, придадут твоему образу пикантности и озорства, при этом не лишая его женственности.

Окрашивание прядей не следует подчинять системе. Не мудрствуй особо. Все должно выглядеть так, будто ты схватила цветной маркер и прокрасила волосы наобум. Для временного эффекта работай с сухими волосами: отдели тонкую прядь, подними ее вверх подальше от основания волос и нанеси краску длинными мазками от корней до кончиков. Чтобы усилить эффект, подожди около минуты и повтори процедуру в том же порядке.

Если ты боишься неудачной покраски, можешь воспользоваться накладными прядями. Для этого собери верхний слой волос и зафиксируй его шпильками, чтобы волосы тебе не мешали. Далее накладные пряди закрепи у макушки как можно ближе к корням. В завершение распусти верхний слой волос и аккуратно прикрой ими место крепления. В результате при каждом движении головы цветные пряди будут кокетливо выглядывать из-под роскошных локонов.

Вся прелесть временного окрашивания в том, что уже после второго мытья головы возвращается естественный цвет волос. Если краска все же не сходит, разведи в воде столовую ложку уксуса и хорошенько промой волосы. Щелочь поможет удалить остатки красящего пигмента.


Звезды носят цветные джинсы

Желтый, красный, голубой – выбирай себе любой! Именно с таким девизом знаменитости выбирают себе джинсы в новом сезоне.


Цветной деним всегда был в моде, но нынешней весной, когда яркие неоновые цвета покорили сердца всех модниц без исключения, красные или желтые (а также бирюзовые, фиолетовые, зеленые, розовые и бордовые) джинсы стали обязательной и желанной обновкой. Если ты пока что не выбрала цвет своих будущих «скинни», вот тебе пища для размышлений – наша фотоподборка «звездного» денима.

Фото: Rexfeatures/Fotobank, justjared.buzznet.com



музыка онлайн


 I know what it write on Russian, sorry, just take a translator
for me write interesting posts or message

приветик довай мутить ты мне нравишься                                                                     19.07.12
ты кто?                                                                                                                                    19.07.12
я буду твои парнем скоро                                                                                                    19.07.12
растоваися скорее                                                                                                               19.07.12
скорее                                                                                                                                     19.07.12
потом наверно как нить                                                                                                       19.07.12
ммм поскорей бы
я в челябинск приезжаю у меня там дядя живёт                                                            19.07.12                                                         
будем мутить                                                                                                                          19.07.12

А я тебя люблю                                                                                                                     19.07.12

I just i love you

Hello! now i visit my best friend Dasha ,sit her home
It photo on the walk today!

I love you my cute!

окно, ночь, девушка, силуэт, небо
Hello, wazzup? today one day when my cute sun , he left to relax  ;)

Good morning



Hello i'm bored :P
how are you today???

tweeting with Omar Todd

           Omar Todd
              @Sasha_Zhigun Da.
          — Omar Todd (@OmarSeaShepherd) июля 16, 2012

i love it video

 i love it song and video and  singer =)

i want it hehe

haha i want it's =)

Now chat

Hey hey, wazzup or i can write what's up? What's new?
what are you doing???? now i have smal time for chat =)
 To night , my friend Micke from Sweden make me many (like) on the FB, thank you Micke you are kind  and cute♥

Good mornin ♡

just woke up hehe it photo was make 20 september 2011.
Now i write my plan on the today
  1. breakfast
  2. blog and web sites
  3. visit to city with Dasha
  4. back in a home
  5. See paragraph (2) of
  6. maybe the a walk
  7. back in a home
  8. see paragraph (5)

My dears & cute cousin Nadja

Nadja she my cousin, but in Russian she my sister,she live in Sweden. Her B-day 28 december
i love her blog, she have many readers , the read her blog!
Nadja write  many response on the a comments her blog, Thank you Nadja for it♥
Just response from Nadja for me

Postat av: Sasha Zhigun
супер, мне нравится =_)
Svar: Thanks :D 
Nadja Felin

Postat av: Sasha Zhigun

I noticed you changed in the new design style of the title,how did you do that? 

Svar: Its complicated, maybe I can tell u in a blog post. :D 

Nadja Felin

Postat av: Sasha Zhigun

You changed in the new design style of the title,and i did make a new style in the text in my blog,LOOK PLEASE, how you think about???? xx 

Svar: Nice, but a little small maybe..? :D 
Nadja Felin

Hi Nadja! You liked to cruise? On a cruise you took your dog???? 
Svar: Yes, a liked the cruise very much. It was so much fun! No Zorro stayed home with my neighbour. :D Nadja Felin

Postat av: Sasha Zhigun 

It about you or it's just picture??? 

Svar: Just a picture! :) 
Nadja Felin

Postat av: Sasha Zhigun

Nadja what it is S.A.T.C ???? 

Svar: Sex and the city, a movie! ;D 
Nadja Felin




 Breakfast today was different. he was not familiar as a regular breakfast
woke up this morning, I have breakfast!
that was part of my breakfast? toast, orange juice and yogurt
 quick breakfast I had to go on the my room, where i wrote about it ♥

cool =)


OMG O.o haha OMG who make it photo??? Just look on the face of a cat XD =) http://cs323626.userapi.com/v323626064/1160/M3giCN78rAI.jpg



wait people

Wait people They bring the water

haha about me write gossip

Sasha Zhigun одна из девушек на фото...девочки делают классные шедевры... :) они всякие фигурки делают и фоткаются...очень интересно на такое смотреть)
Sasha Zhigun one of the girls in the photo ... the girls are doing great masterpieces ... :) They do all sorts of figures and fotkat ... very interesting to watch this)

Did you know

Did you know that when you dream about someone, that person goes to bed, thinking about you?
Did you know that if you popular with people looking at you, then down, he is crazy about you?
Did you know that if a person looks you straight in the eye, he loves you more than you might think?
Did you know that if a person looks at you often, he can not live without you?
Did you know that when he leaves, he says, "yet" for too long just because you do not want to go?
Did you know ..

:( :)

Now listen to music understand what  my summer bored :(
how are you?
Today i don't know what are me doing....
Maybe we can chat ?????

Thank you my dear friend



Thank you , you 1 write me at Twitter about my Blogg today, but you not 1in my live , because many people write my about Blogg in Twitter or FB when i write link on the Blogg :-)



Hehe haha hihi =) look it video, maybe you like it too ♥




Re: Your loving fans from Russia!
Hi Sasha and Nika, thank you for your support :)
Отправлено: Aleksandra151515


Re: Your loving fans from Russia!
Hi Sasha and Nika, thank you for your support :)
Отправлено: Aleksandra151515




Hello angel ,good luck for new school ♡Sasha♡

wow Cute♥ look please

Good mornin ...

Hi, how you to sleep to night? I'm sleep very good....Today i wake-up the singing of birds haha =)
Mornin today good, i wish you happy mood, good day♥

It's 4 of photos wich i like it

Good mornin ♡

Hey hey! how  are you??? Soon i need to go on the car and visit city =)
Now i wait my dad and later we go in city..
I think what today it's fun day, because today morning was super ♡ I remember one day was fun, but i not remember number , but it's was may.
It's was May lesson English,i need to leave on the room English! And me need say for teacher words : Can I leave the room? but i'm clever i'm said : May can i come in?  Teacher said me : what??? I am response : oops, sorry, can i leave the room?  Teacher :Yes , you can... I'm response : Thank you.
Hehe it's day was fun because many people smile because of me hehe =)

My dears cousins

Hello. How are you??
How you see photos my dears cousins from Sweden Malin & Nadja


Malin & Nadja

Hahaha hehehehe

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