Hello friends!

Hello friends! How are you? I'm bad, because : i have not good day have today :(
What are you doing today? Today i visit in home my friend Dasha's ... WE have fun mood, and time go.... later I'm need to go in my home, and Dasha must to go on the walk with her friends!
Yes , i want better day, but I have not better day... I remember it day 30.07.2012 hehe
My cute soon all students need to go in school hmmm.... oh I not want it, just i think what school it good, in my school I'm see my friends ♥ :P
I like when you and people write  comments  for me on the my blog... thanks all hahaha =)
Maybe you listen to music with me :) ??? Just click on the play ♥
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What new? what your plans today??? 
Sorry but i don't know about my plans... oh
Now i must to go in my bed... love , love, love
Kiss you my sweet and cute reader
Postat av: Lusy

Hey, but i not understand why you have not good day :S hm why?

Svar: because i not have today super day, just it day was not good and not bad
Sasha Zhigun

2012-07-30 @ 22:17:38

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