My dears & cute cousin Nadja

Nadja she my cousin, but in Russian she my sister,she live in Sweden. Her B-day 28 december
i love her blog, she have many readers , the read her blog!
Nadja write  many response on the a comments her blog, Thank you Nadja for it♥
Just response from Nadja for me

Postat av: Sasha Zhigun
супер, мне нравится =_)
Svar: Thanks :D 
Nadja Felin

Postat av: Sasha Zhigun

I noticed you changed in the new design style of the title,how did you do that? 

Svar: Its complicated, maybe I can tell u in a blog post. :D 

Nadja Felin

Postat av: Sasha Zhigun

You changed in the new design style of the title,and i did make a new style in the text in my blog,LOOK PLEASE, how you think about???? xx 

Svar: Nice, but a little small maybe..? :D 
Nadja Felin

Hi Nadja! You liked to cruise? On a cruise you took your dog???? 
Svar: Yes, a liked the cruise very much. It was so much fun! No Zorro stayed home with my neighbour. :D Nadja Felin

Postat av: Sasha Zhigun 

It about you or it's just picture??? 

Svar: Just a picture! :) 
Nadja Felin

Postat av: Sasha Zhigun

Nadja what it is S.A.T.C ???? 

Svar: Sex and the city, a movie! ;D 
Nadja Felin



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