Today I am in the morning feeling well, but again in the temperature

Today I decided to write about my classmate
His name is Dima
What can I write about him?
Dima: funny, funny, cool, kind, and many more just
but it its link to the site VK.COM
Dima 13 years old, live Russian city of Chelyabinsk, school № 47
this is his photo

Sasha/Aleksandra Zhigun____Саша/Александра Жигун
привет я егодня заболела меня температура 37и1
нечего егодня писать не буду
прости ♥ Саша
Good night
Goodnight my dear reader
Unfortunately I have not written in the morning is not no day
I decided to write now, and so now 1:10
I'll post a few photos and some tell you what happened today
and so today I went to a shop that stops from home 5.4
went for a walk with friends, but a little because it was cold today, br
I came home and helped mum
slept a little
shot on video and posted on YouTube
Pray Justin Bieber
some sat at the computer
watch live TV
go for a walk again
home again, eat
now photo
write here, and sleep
Okay bye, goodnight ♥ Саша/Александра Жигун----Sasha/Aleksandra Zhigun
Спасибо Малин
good morning ♥
Hello and good morning you!
As you know I love to sing
So I took off 3 days ago and posted a video of his this morning on YouTube
Adele - ''Someone Like You''
i sing Adele - ''Someone Like You''
I hope that you enjoy
watch my video and comment
I hope that you enjoy
and do not forget to comment here yet
Walked a bit today :)
And so I and my friend Polina
went for a walk at 12:00 and 16:30
when we walked, we met a classmatenamed Pasha
He walked one and then we called himwith us
Pasha had changed so
then we met Ksyusha
and walked in four
we had fun, we laughed, listened to music and talked a lot
this morning I was singing a song and filmed on video, the song "Pray for Justin Bieber"
soon I'll put this song in YouTube
after the song I was still 1 hour and then it will be 12:00am in that time I shall need to go to the store and then walk
Oh yeah I also learned that the boy goes to us, his name is KOLYA, he has blond hair and he was taller than I! :)

short story
And I have another cousin
her name is Nadja
she lives in Sweden
i love her
♥ <3
beautiful girl with blonde hair
all day in the computer
Today, the entire day spent at the computer!
not strange day passed quickly!
Today I talked for a long time on a Web camera in Skype
With my cousin, her name is Malin and she lives in Sweden!
♥ <3
I love her
Malin sweet girl with blond hair and beautifully eyes
day of flying as quickly and quietly
she sings very good that I know
today to make a video and post it on YouTube
Time passes quickly

a pity that so quickly time flies
now day time 14:50

but I'm glad that a little soon to school
because long before I see my classmates and to our class goesmy friend Ronya.and to our class to come the new boy

I hope it will not be bad, I want it to begood!
School School School

Now the street is cool and it's bad
me hunt to sleep


I came home, hurray!
Well, finally I got so tired, i home. I went in to shop at 10:00 am and arrived home 17:00
I went shopping for a long time lookingchose
walked for so long but bought so little
I bought 3 different sweaters, 2 shirts
bag to school
glasses for the computer they need when you turn on the computerso as not to damage the eyesight
You do not think I have good vision is not, I just want to buyglasses that would not spoil the sight of the computer, I have avision 100%
would now go to another store but it was closed, I go to the storetomorrow
I need to buy jeans narrow
sneakers and 1 pair of shoes
Сейчас утро 8:40 ,через 1час я поеду в магазины.

Я не высполась хочу спать но мама меня азбудила так рано ,ах я её просила не будить меня так рано но она всё таки меня разбудила.

Me singing-Because of you By
i like it song
good morning
Today I woke up at 7:30 am, strangely, I had 8 in the morning do not wake up!

When I woke up I was bored, and I did not know what I Activities, but I came up I turned on the TV.Then I watched TV until 9 am, then turn on the computer and founda song song title---> " Lafee - Sterben Fur Dich "
I was very bored.
I did not know then that I to be bored uh
this is my photo that I here is very boring

very boring


Today I decided to do almost everything in the pictures!
I have today was a day of good, I hope that you, too!

se I am the sign of the zodiac, the scales!
but presently already

and I think most people are asleep.
but I do not I do not sleep now I'm writing
but I do not I do not sleep now I'm writing

this is our name Alena,Polya and Aleksandra/Sasha

а это мы ты нас видешь троих
Я Полина и Алёна ,это мы в школе на уроке технологии!

А это моя ещё одна подруга Полина!
Она очень :добрая,,милая,клёвая,весёлая.
я тоже её ♥ как своего друга,Полина относится к категории лучшее друзья!
Она учится со мной в одной школе и в одном классе.
Живёт Поля в соседнем доме от меня
And this is my friend Pauline, another!
It is: kind, dear, cool, fun.
I also ¦ her as a friend, Pauline is classified as the best friends!
She is studying with me at one school and one class.
Paul lives in the house next door to me
And this is my friend Polina, another!
It is: kind, dear, cool, fun.
I also ¦ her as a friend, Polina is classified as the best friends!
She is studying with me at one school and one class.
Polya lives in the house next door to me
"Саша/Александра Жигун - Sasha/Aleksandra zhigun"

it before I threw a match!
Idag är var allt bra tills något hände en pojke som heter David var inte kastat mig en match!
Jag har lite under-hälls hår och lugg lite när man tittar på fransarnaögonfransar lite mycket!
och mitt hår är inte märkbar förgäves som det var!
Min mamma sa att fransarna inte syns och för 1 månad kommer de att återvända till full längd!
Jag har lite under-hälls hår och lugg lite när man tittar på fransarnaögonfransar lite mycket!
och mitt hår är inte märkbar förgäves som det var!
Min mamma sa att fransarna inte syns och för 1 månad kommer de att återvända till full längd!
сегодня очень было всё хорошо,пока не произошло кое что 1 мальчик по имени Давид в меня не кинул горящею спичку!!!
у меня чуть чуть под-полились волосы на чёлки и немного ресницы если смотреть на реснице то немного заметно!
а волосы вотще не заметно как будто так и было!
Мама сказала что ресницы не видно и за 1 месяц они вернут полную длину!!!
сегодня очень было всё хорошо,пока не произошло кое что 1 мальчик по имени Давид в меня не кинул горящею спичку!!!
у меня чуть чуть под-полились волосы на чёлки и немного ресницы если смотреть на реснице то немного заметно!
а волосы вотще не заметно как будто так и было!
Мама сказала что ресницы не видно и за 1 месяц они вернут полную длину!!!
я тут
и так продолжаем про мою подругу Алёну!
Алёнка ты моя подруга и я тебя ♥,ты относишься к категории моим лучшем друзьям !
а так Алёна самая:милая,добрая,клёвая.Если она будет ходить на GO GO то она не тока будет клёвая ну и ещё клёво танцевать!!!
Я очень хочу что бы у неё всё хорошо получалось в её жизни!!!
Там написано про Алёну
"Саша/Александра Жигун----Sasha/Aleksandra Zhigun"
доброе утро
Алёна learns from me in a school classroom and water, it is notonly a friend of mine and a classmate.
She: funny, sweet, beautiful, kind, cool, and very good person and friend!
I'll write about it later, it was a short info, I just have to go but as soon as I arrive, I continue the story of her!
I♥ her---я люблю ♥Алёну

and here I am myself
The Sims 3 and my sims!
These games are very popular in many countriesI know that every child or teenager playing Sims or Sims 2, but not all sims3 played!


Today is the day passed quickly and quietly!
How I spent the day today?----->

I enjoyed today? YES как я насладилась ?----> 

today I'm trying to do? что???----->

today I did not want to do, but I do it? как ты думаешь===>

today I saw on the street? давай подумай===>

What do you think today in Russia was the weather in the cityChelyainsk? Она была очень....--->

but I must tell you? П*К*----->

Thank you Спасибо
Malin big thank you
you done it myself had I not done
she helped me to design, a big thank you ♥ ♥ ♥
Люблю Love kärlek 

she helped me to design, a big thank you
Today was a good day!
Today was a good day!

today was very good!
Veronika & I
I and my friend Veronica.
we had been friends since childhood, she my best friend!
I and my friend Veronica.
we had been friends since childhood, she my best friend!

my photo. but I drew pictures.
I draw a bad thing, but it does not matter!
for me ok!
my photo. but I drew pictures.
I draw a bad thing, but it does not matter!
for me ok! added butterflies to make it fun!

And so today, before all things I need to draw. my pictures

Hi! Today in Russia it is very hot. What would I do today?? I've got options: go to the movies in the park, the lake, go for a walk, go to the pool, go for a visit on birthdays or go to thepizzeria, or in Mcdonalds. С:

Today I'll be anywhere where it says! My day today started very early. For his birthday I'll sing a song to his girlfriend.

Today the plan of the day
One to help her mother
2 go for a walk
3 to go to kindergarten, to help my friend pick up her sister
4 walk
5 go to the movies
6 to go to the park
7 to go to the lake
8 to go into the yard
9 is a little walk
10 go home
2 go for a walk
3 to go to kindergarten, to help my friend pick up her sister
4 walk
5 go to the movies
6 to go to the park
7 to go to the lake
8 to go into the yard
9 is a little walk
10 go home
Sherry is my cat her 9 years old already

Love Sherre-люблю Шерри

be nice girl
1 будь милой для всех!
2 почаще улыбайся!
3 разговаривая очень спокойно и тихонько!
4 не кури,не пей,не употребляй всякую дрянь!
5 будь кокеткой для взрослых и МАЛЬЧИШЕК или ПАРНЕЙ!
6 знай себе цену!
7 ты должна интересовать людей
8 не глупи,будь мудрей!
9 веселись
10 будь позитивной !
1 be nice for everyone!
2 smile more often!
3 talking very calmly and quietly!
4 does not smoke, do not drink, do not drink all sorts of rubbish!
5 be a yoke for adults and kids, or guys!
6 Know yourself price!
7 you should be interested in people
8 do not be silly, be wise!
9 rejoice
10 be positive!

Сегоднишний день не очень интересен

мне сегодня очень скучно.За сегодня я уже спела 3 песни 1 песня Hurt ,2 song -tell me why, 3 song-THE CLIMB
Погода в России города Челябинска не очень тёплая и пасмурная 

А так всё супер

ко мне сегодня должны будут прийти друзья

но есть и минусы - моя подруга Настя сломала ключицу 

Сегодня я видела рекламу про --->

а ещё у нас сегодня будут соревнования в школу будет наверно весело?!

Моя кошка Дуня потолстела на 500грамм за 10 дней

Я сегодня утром нашла одно фото это фото похоже на --->

Мне нравится одна игрушка! называется Яйцо, берёшь эту игрушку и кидаешь воду на несколько дней. потом оно трескается и ломается,и от туда вылупляется птинец,черепаха,крокодил,динозавр и много кого ещё. Когда он вылупица надо каждый день наливать воду из за этого он начинает расти! 

Привет я Саша!
Сегодня я вам раскожу про мою подругу Лизу.
И так начнём
Лиза Пшеничнекова пошла в 7 класс ,учится в №46 школе
Она не высокого роса волосы светло русые с милированием,милая девочка и очень общительная
с ней очень много людей дружат
она умеет очень хорошо заплитать волосы!
сама Лиза не знает что я про неё тут пишу! ;)
а вот её фото 


a little about me
Нello my friend
1 My name is Sasha
but if on the documents I ZhigunAlexandera Evgenevna.
But cutting my name is Sasha, Shura, Sanya, Alexandra
2 I live in Russia city of Chelyabinsk Lenin district stop DCs ChTPZ street Yerevanskaya
3 my usual school № 47, I'm up to grade 11, and then go to college!
4 I do sports
5 My favorite food is seafood
6 I do not like when I'm rude
7 I have the best friends of their two Polina but it has the names of such Pelogeya and Polya....and best friend, Veronica but it has the names of such Nika and Ronya :D
8 I live with my mother but I do not live far from grandparents andmany of the relatives who still
is the most interesting
is the most interesting

the sun is shining in my eyes
many many colors, and nothing more

I thought that this photo is very boring and I decided to draw sayliki
weather and nature just fine too

my best friend behind the camera taking pictures and here's another one of my best friend, Veronica, and she that the camera is very shy Polina
hm///What's missing?

again, I
Ника и я


they move?

how many legs an elephant?
how many trees?

twinkle eye quickly
what you see?

belly piercing

bracelets they glow