a little about me

Нello my friend

1 My name is Sasha
but if on the documents I ZhigunAlexandera Evgenevna.
But cutting my name is Sasha, Shura, Sanya, Alexandra

2 I live in Russia city of Chelyabinsk Lenin district stop DCs ChTPZ street Yerevanskaya

my usual school № 47, I'm up to grade 11, and then go to college!

4 I do sports

My favorite food is seafood

I do not like when I'm rude

I have the best friends of their two Polina but it has the names of such Pelogeya and Polya....and best friend, Veronica but it has the names of such Nika and Ronya :D

8 I live with my mother but I do not live far from grandparents andmany of the relatives who still

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