Jonatan malm and Nadya verkova♥

Good evening, my dear♥
Now i write about Jonatan malm and Nadya verkova...
I know you don't know their and now you little know their!

It is Nadya ,she have 16 years.
Nadya live in Russia , she teach in school model!
She cute girl, it's i know 100%

It is Jonatan,he have 12 years
Jonatan live in Sweden, i dont know in which he learns to School, but i think he learns in good school!
He cute boy 100%
Nadya just add him in friend on facebook their began to

talk,and but he soon wrote to me "I love you friend Nadya so

fucking hot  and cute! <333333".

But and Nadya too wrote to

me "Hello Sasha ! Jonatan cute boy i think it's

so "Hmmm....reveal to you a secret  Her like Jonatan and

Him like Nadya! ♥ the mouth of the castle


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