
Summer 2012
June 1 - Start your day with something unusual
June 2 - Make your morning photos
June 3 - Speak with the person who did not dare to speak for a long time
June 4 - Sing your favorite song, along with his girlfriend at a karaoke
June 5 - Check your favorite film
June 6 - Take a photo report of the day
June 7 - Write out a few quotes from his favorite book on the sticker and glue them on the wall (cabinet / shelf ...)
June 8 - Drink a cup of coffee (tea) at a cafe early in the morning June 9 - Draw what first comes to mind
June 10 - Eat a portion of chocolate ice cream
June 11 - Visit your favorite museum in the city
June 12 - Buy a lot of balls, and then gave them to passers-by
June 13 - Prepare breakfast for the family
June 14 - Make a fan out of paper
June 15 - Write a letter to his future
June 16 - cleaned up the room (or do permutation)
June 17 - How about a trip to the movies with friends?
June 18 - Take a photo of the happiest moments of the day
June 19 - Send a letter to someone
June 20 - Write a short story about love
June 21 - Walk to the shops
June 22 - Learn a few foreign words, which will have for you is very important
June 23 - Try to write a poem
June 24 - Do not sleep through the night
June 25 - Find new music group
June 26 - Tell  about your idol
June 27 - Buy a movie ticket (only a) on the last row
June 28 - Make a gift to their loved ones
June 29 - Arrange a picnic with friends
June 30 - Tell me about everything that happened to you this month
Summer 2012
June 1 - Start your day with something unusual
June 2 - Make your morning photos
June 3 - Speak with the person who did not dare to speak for a long time
June 4 - Sing your favorite song, along with his girlfriend at a karaoke
June 5 - Check your favorite film
June 6 - Take a photo report of the day
June 7 - Write out a few quotes from his favorite book on the sticker and glue them on the wall (cabinet / shelf ...)
June 8 - Drink a cup of coffee (tea) at a cafe early in the morning June 9 - Draw what first comes to mind
June 10 - Eat a portion of chocolate ice cream
June 11 - Visit your favorite museum in the city
June 12 - Buy a lot of balls, and then gave them to passers-by
June 13 - Prepare breakfast for the family
June 14 - Make a fan out of paper
June 15 - Write a letter to his future
June 16 - cleaned up the room (or do permutation)
June 17 - How about a trip to the movies with friends?
June 18 - Take a photo of the happiest moments of the day
June 19 - Send a letter to someone
June 20 - Write a short story about love
June 21 - Walk to the shops
June 22 - Learn a few foreign words, which will have for you is very important
June 23 - Try to write a poem
June 24 - Do not sleep through the night
June 25 - Find new music group
June 26 - Tell  about your idol
June 27 - Buy a movie ticket (only a) on the last row
June 28 - Make a gift to their loved ones
June 29 - Arrange a picnic with friends
June 30 - Tell me about everything that happened to you this month

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