I and my best friend Veronica

Much miraculous and unusual event is connected with birth of the Jesus Hrista, about them is in detail written in gospel Matfeya and Onions. So, pregnant Virgo Marie and husband her(its) Iosif came to Vifleem on order of the ruler Cezarya. There, there was such ensemble folk that to find the free place an impossible turned out to be for place to sleep, exactly so they were asked on place to sleep for city. Fortunately, and they have temporarily allowed to take seats in вертепе, where was usually hidden live-stock from bad weather. In this amazing night and appeared on light son God's   small Jesus, which Marie, mother him(it), has diapered and has put in creche for live-stock on hay.
At the same time on field close to this place, shepherd were an angels and оповестили about пришествии in the world of the Rescuer. The Shepherds, not dawdling, hit the road to bow the small Jesus.
Simultaneously with this event, east sages have seen on the sky необычайно bright star, which воссияла at moment of the birth of the Jesus, magi has perceived her(its) appearance, as sign пришествия Bozhiego and have hurried for lodestar to bring the infant worthy grants   incense, gold and smyrna.
In Holy scriptures is not indicated exact d.o.b. infant, and birth day Hrista originally was not noted. Later, approximately with 4-go age, orthodox church has taken the date on January 7 for commemoration of this day, but Pope(pa) Roman in 337 date was approved for celebration Cristmas on December 25.
The Great holiday Hristovogo Cristmas occupies in church life special and significant place and is signified one of the the most long post, preceding this day.
In lifes of any christian this holiday is of great importance. Detyam from childhood tell about small Jesus, but on holiday house is decorated елочными wreath. Also prepare the small postcards, made their own hand, in which is written wish close. On such postcard children draw its vision of this holiday, from this celebration itself becomes else more touching and significant for family.


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