Happy New Year 2012

Good morning ..... and so today a 1.01.2012

on the night of 31 to 1, the number I went to bed at 6 o'clock and 45 minutes (6:45)

was super very positive mood! In 00:15 I went to visit Veronica, we so much fun) At 4:30 am I got home......

When I went to bed at 6:45 then I just lay awake at 7:30, so those 45 minutes while I lay on the bed in my room, I watched TV channel TNT
I fell asleep TV itself is turned off since I put it on a timer, so that hewould be 120 minutes of alternation is disconnected yourself ....
until the new year, I was sitting at a computer on the Internet, watching TV

I congratulated the new year at many sites

hugs and kisses for you ☻ ♥

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