Good morning everyone!

Hi everyone!
today 9:00 AM
I'm bored and have nothing to do five minutes ago, I posted picturesthat I forgot to put here
Yeah nothing new to say, only that now we go to school to 14:30
Today promised to +18C heat but I think that today will be cold (((
What would do at the moment? I'm done all the lessons we havetoday 3 lesson 1 lesson of Fine Arts, 2 English lesson, 3 lessonsAlgebra
wow! how boring today, yesterday after school I came home late at 19:30, YES?
yesterday at 19:40 I started to correspond on a cell phone in vain get 180 SMS, 90 SMS I sent a friend and 90 sms I received from my friend Смайлики от Aiwan (Колобки)Смайлики от Aiwan (Колобки)
It was very fun and interesting, we corresponded with him until 23:30,Oh it was a long time

Well, even I laughed for a long time yesterday, this morning I woke up at 6:30 am becomes I usually wake up at 9 or 10 amСпящие и уставшие смайликиСпящие и уставшие смайликиСпящие и уставшие смайликиСпящие и уставшие смайликиСпящие и уставшие смайликиСпящие и уставшие смайликиСпящие и уставшие смайликиСпящие и уставшие смайликиСпящие и уставшие смайликиСпящие и уставшие смайлики

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