
The main rival - no pain, and fear of pain. Beat it!
The fate of love is not smart or beautiful, are not lucky or persistent, the fate of loved sincerely interested.

Do not rush to grow up, childhood did notreturn.

Each and every person can make a slim, strong and healthy. The main desire and perseverance.

Believe the heart, trust your feelings, listen to your mind.

Best friends do not choose, they willeventually

If I have a son, I promise, I'll teach him to care for the girls to behave decently with friends, family love, respect elders and be a man

- Forget what you've been taught, among the beasts live like an animal. Beat the first not to get hit, I saw tears - beat stronger.

Battle wins, who was determined to win it.

The poorest man is not he who has not a penny in his pocket, andhe who has no dreams.

It will hurt - be patient!
There will be tears - erase!
It will be difficult - look out!
Remember - this is life

My mother did not cry, she was not guilty, that you are not all as it should ...


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